Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Meet Mom's Meet!

Hey Everyone!
I wanted to share my National Geographic Holiday Book Party with you. I entered on Mom's Meet. They send me things all the time. This is about the 6th or 7th box I have received from them. This box was heavy. It came with an adorable animal baby book for your real pregnancy. I will never use it but maybe one of these days my son will have a grandchild. This book is about $40. Its gorgeous. There is a kids cookbook, an ad-lib book, a book on butterflies, a huge hardback full of animal stories, a 100+ sticker activity book, and the baby book. Not a bad haul. I have kids who read. I read myself. I will look thru these and decide where to "gift" them for Christmas. I may keep the kids cook book and baby book for myself.

I just wanted to make a post about Moms Meet. There is no big surverys to fill out, you do have a survey at the end but thats common. Its takes very little time and it gives you something special to do with your family. I belong to many sampling programs but Mom's meet has to be my favorite. They have a Mom's Meet Ambassador section just for bloggers!
Try it and see. 
I guarantee you will love it.

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